Wine & Wellness Tours

There’s likely no place on Earth where wine is so interwoven into the culture as it is in Georgia, most people grow grapes and have their own wine brand. Wine is a significant part of the culture and history Another central pillar of the Georgian culture is hospitality. The Georgians believe that guests are Godsend. Wellness tour - Many tourists from around the world visit Georgia to promote health and well-being through physical, psychological, or spiritual activities, Sairme Resort - is the biggest resort in Europe and known for its mineral springs. The resort owns four different kinds of treatment, and 1 thermal spring. You can take spa and wellness procedures to keep you healthy. If you’re with your family members or friends, it’ll be a perfect idea to spend time at the recreation center. You can enjoy swimming in the outdoor and indoor pools, zip-lining, biking and playing at the playground, Tskaltubo Spa Resort - You can take the radon thermal baths that can treat about 60 kinds of different diseases. Tskaltubo resort offers the individual programs in which you can take thermal baths, massages, physiotherapy, or other types of services


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