Our Mission

We are managing unforgettable adventures for you, to share Georgians hospitality with your family, friends, people who you love. We believe Your Host's services will one that you will repeat and it will increase awareness of Georgia in the world

Our Vision

Georgia/Sakartvelo is one of the oldest country in the world, current discoveries prove that first Europeans (Zezva & Mzia) comes from Georgia.

Since ancient times Georgians mission was to save the land from conquerors, so here are many old castles and special defensive buildings, all empires leaders were interested in Georgian land and Georgian people,

Our people’s rule is to welcome peaceful foreigners and share our hospitality. Georgians attitude to foreigners is simple: Guest is a gift from God, it means to host a guest as a God,

We have the oldest traditions, such as a wine-making process with 8,000 years history. The traditional feast named „Supra“. "Tamada" supervises events from his seat and balances event topics with Georgian traditional folk music and dance traditions. Georgian Cuisine is a culinary masterpiece,

Georgia has six climatic zones. Country lies mostly in the Caucasus Mountains. The Greater Caucasus range moderates the local climate by serving as a barrier against cold air from the north,

Georgia has 3 international airports and more than 80 direct flights from cities all over the world,

Georgia's safety level is one of the highest in Europe. Country has top achievements in many safety directions,

After Soviet era, we can offer our historical values to the entire world. Our ancient culture, more than 400 types of wine, unique cuisine, adventure, high level of safety, happiness and inspiration are not full list Your Host can offer to you.


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